Tom Ackland

Tom Ackland

Winchmore Hill Sports Club are saddened to hear of the death of longstanding member ,Tom Ackland ,on the 14th November at the age of 95.

Tom was a member of both the Cricket and Football Sections and was one of the SAL 3rd XI Football Champions in 1956. He held high positions within the club, being President in 1985 to 1986 and Club Chairman from 1971 to 1973.

He was a popular member of the Club, attending many Devon Cricket Tours and was well renowned for his popular singing in the bar.

Our condolences are with all his family and friends.

Funeral Arrangements :

Date : Tuesday December 3rd at 3pm

Venue: New Southgate Crematorium

Brunswick Park Road London N11 1JJ

Wake: Bush Hill Park Golf Club, N21 2BU
